Do you want to know more about how you can support Possibilities Church?
We depend on your prayers, time, and financial support to accomplish the vision of Possibilities Church. We want to cultivate a place to grow spiritually and flourish. Here are practical ways you can help this ministry:
Give directly to our website through our account. This can be a one-time donation or you can choose to donate on a recurring basis
Join us as we host a events, create community gatherings to raise teach, support, and encourage our community. See below to how you can sign up to be a part of this.
Join in our vision to build housing in Miami along with a new ministry and community resource center on our existing site. This center will be an apostolic/prophetic hub where relationships are formed, the church will be equipped and community needs and resources are available.
Give to this dynamic ministry, Possibilities Church below.
Here you can give monthly or one time to support this ministry.